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Fee Tracker
“Fee Tracker” service offers customers a unique solution that identifies lost fee revenue. Many firms do not reconcile fees charged by Exchanges with fees they pass along to their customers. Clearing firms are often unaware that they may be losing revenue as a result of undercharges to customers or overpayments to Exchanges. Fee Tracker identifies these discrepancies. It also assists in identifying incorrect static data, as it discovers areas where you may be calculating and incorrectly charging fees. Fee Tracker can also identify situations where firms are incorrectly overcharge their customers. This can result in fee rebates which can unintentionally damage the relationship a firm has with its customers. Fee Tracker can assist you in recapturing lost revenue while your business process becomes more competitive.
New Jersey Office
216 Bloomfield Street
Hoboken, NJ 07030

Phone: (201) 386-3215
Fax: (201) 386-3218
Email: ntsinfo@net-ts.com
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