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Over the years NTS has developed a core set of products that include PortfolioManage™ a suite of reporting modules to provide hedge fund managers with real time position, Profit and Loss and Risk Analyses information and BookViewer™ a multi-user Book tracking system used by our clients to size, track , reconcile and analyze their positions at the book and fund levels. More recently we have developed, Analytic Tools™ which, is designed as a suite of applications to provide hedge funds of any size with the tools to analyze a portfolio's P&L at multiple levels, track positions, strategies and credit risk. Finally, The Reconciliation Management System™ reconciles trade / cash activity that resides on the clients' internal accounting system with statements from their prime brokers, incorporating FTPManage™ to automate the process of downloading, importing and processing this information, allowing users to manually match activity, update balances or enter reconciling entries to maintain the integrity of their system. FeeTracker™ was developed for clearing firms to reconcile the fees charged by exchanges vs fees charged to their customers.
Click on the links below to learn more about each product.
New Jersey Office
216 Bloomfield Street
Hoboken, NJ 07030

Phone: (201) 386-3215
Fax: (201) 386-3218
Email: ntsinfo@net-ts.com
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